Update on Corona Contingency as per 19 March 2020
Dear Customer,
Below you will find the daily Corona update on the measurements that DANX is taking to ensure the continuous delivery of your spare parts.
The situation continues to aggravate all over Europe, but in midst of all the challenges we face at our daily operations, we also get some positive feedback from our customers, saying that DANX’s efforts to keep our network running are highly appreciated. We deliver to many critical industries for example to the medical industry where daily deliveries right now are more crucial than ever.
We can guarantee you that your spare parts WILL reach their destination and that we will do our utmost to make it as fast as we possibly can.
We would like to remind you that you will always find updated information on our website or through our daily morning report on a daily basis as long as needed. If you want to receive our daily morning report please write to your local Control Tower or Customer Service.
Yours sincerely,